Speed 3D Inc. Launches World's First Smart 3D Billboard AR Interactive Machine - 3D Picbot
Speed 3D Inc. held a product launch event on December 14 in collaboration with Taiwan's renowned Leofoo Village Theme Park.
Speed 3D Inc. Launches World's First Smart 3D Billboard AR Interactive Machine - 3D Picbot
先驅者:AR 和 AI 領域的領先公司 The Pioneers: Leading Companies in AR and AI
XR 延展實境(Extended Reality)的探索與未來 Exploration and Future of Extended Reality (XR)
Blending 3D and AR for Cutting-Edge Advertising Excellence
Revolutionizing Brand Engagement: 3D Picbot's Mobile AR Billboard Magic
革命性品牌互動:新一代3D Billboard - 3D Picbot 開啟行動AR的力量