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XR 延展實境(Extended Reality)的探索與未來 Exploration and Future of Extended Reality (XR)

Writer's picture: Speed 3D Marketing Director | Yuki ChengSpeed 3D Marketing Director | Yuki Cheng

在當今科技日新月異的時代,XR 延展實境(Extended Reality)這個名詞越來越受到大眾的關注。XR作為一個總匯名詞,涵蓋了VR、AR、MR等技術。當人們深入理解XR的時候,他們會發現VR、AR、MR這些技術的真正意義。舉個例子來說,VR是一種技術,可以讓使用者置身於一個虛擬的環境中,讓使用者感覺到自己身處其中;AR技術可以通過設備顯示虛擬的數據,擴展現實世界的感官體驗;而MR技術可以結合現實世界與虛擬世界,並在其中進行互動體驗。總之,XR技術是未來的發展方向,人們可以透過深入學習XR技術,更好地理解VR、AR、MR等技術的真正意義。

XR、VR、AR、MR 的定義與差異

首先,讓我們更深入地了解這些技術的定義,以及它們之間的差異。 VR(虛擬實境)是一種提供完全數位虛擬世界的技術,通常透過頭戴式裝置來體驗,以取代使用者的感官。AR(擴增實境)則是在真實世界中添加虛擬物體的技術,常見的應用包括透過手機攝像頭達成的特效。而 MR(混合實境)是一種結合現實與虛擬的技術,使得使用者可以與虛擬中的物體進行互動,同時也保持了現實的存在感。

進一步來說,這些技術都有許多應用場景。例如,VR 技術可以用於電影、遊戲、教育、醫療等領域;AR 技術可以用於手機應用、零售、導航、運動等領域;而 MR 技術也可以用於遊戲、教育、工業等領域。此外,這些技術也在不斷地發展中,未來還有很多可能性等待著我們去探索和發現。

微軟的 MR 技術展示 HoloLens2


Man using hololens 2 to work





XR 的未來發展



  • 遊戲:XR技術將為遊戲帶來更加身臨其境的體驗,增強遊戲的互動性和娛樂性。

  • 教育:XR技術將使學習變得更加生動有趣,增加學生的參與度和學習效果。

  • 醫療保健:XR技術將有望幫助醫生更好地診斷和治療病患,並提高醫療保健的效率和質量。

  • 工業:XR技術將被廣泛應用於設計、生產和維護流程中,提高工作效率和質量。

總之,XR技術將帶領我們進入一個全新的時代。作為XR技術領域的領先者。隨著科技的快速發展,XR技術正逐步改變我們的生活和工作方式。啟雲科技在2023 Q2也榮獲亞洲XR創星金典大賞(Asia XR Golden Awards)最佳行銷工具整合系統大獎。

從虛擬的遊戲世界到真實與虛擬的結合,XR為我們打開了一扇全新的大門,讓我們能夠體驗前所未有的互動體驗。啟雲科技,作為這一領域的領先者,已經推出了最先進的AI驅動的 XR 機台及AR試穿試戴模組,為業界和消費者帶來了革命性的變革。如果您對XR技術感到好奇,或希望了解如何將這些技術應用到您的業務中,請不要猶豫,立即與啟雲科技聯繫,一同探索XR的無限可能。


In today's era of rapid technological advancement, the term Extended Reality (XR) is receiving increasing attention from the public. XR is an umbrella term that covers VR, AR, MR, and other technologies. As people delve deeper into understanding XR, they will discover the true meaning of VR, AR, MR, and other related technologies. For example, VR is a technology that allows users to immerse themselves in a virtual environment, while AR technology can display virtual data through devices to expand the sensory experience of the real world. MR technology combines the real and virtual worlds and allows users to interact with objects in both. In short, XR technology is the future of development, and people can better understand the true meaning of VR, AR, MR, and other technologies by diving into learning about XR technology.

Definitions and Differences of XR, VR, AR, and MR

First of all, let us delve deeper into the definitions of these technologies and the differences between them. VR (Virtual Reality) is a technology that provides a completely digital virtual world, usually experienced through a head-mounted device, to replace users' senses. AR (Augmented Reality) is a technology that adds virtual objects to the real world, with common applications including special effects achieved through mobile phone cameras. MR (Mixed Reality) is a technology that combines real and virtual worlds, allowing users to interact with objects in both worlds while maintaining a sense of reality.

Furthermore, these technologies have many different applications. For example, VR technology can be used in film, gaming, education, healthcare, and other fields; AR technology can be used in mobile applications, retail, navigation, sports, and other fields; and MR technology can also be used in gaming, education, industry, and other fields. In addition, these technologies are constantly evolving, and there are still many possibilities waiting for us to explore and discover in the future.

Microsoft's MR Technology Showcase - HoloLens2

Recently, Microsoft showcased its MR technology in a video. This technology allows us to add virtual elements to the real world and interact with the surrounding world in new ways. In the video, viewers can see AR applications such as virtual dogs, computer windows, and a rotating globe. These applications provide us with a more vivid and interactive world. Even more amazing is that in the video, Microsoft shows a person transformed into a virtual character and interacting with objects in a semi-real and semi-virtual environment, perfectly demonstrating the concept of MR applications. Through these applications, we can gain a deeper understanding of the potential and future development direction of MR technology, which is expected to be one of the most promising technologies in the coming decades.

In-Depth Understanding of the "Real-Virtual Spectrum"

When it comes to XR technology, we inevitably mention the "real-virtual spectrum." This is a categorical term that encompasses all technologies from completely real to completely unreal. These technologies can be classified into a category like "video resolution," and the application of this spectrum is even more widespread. For example, VR technology is a technology belonging to the unreal end, while AR is a technology that lies between the real and unreal worlds.

There are many technologies in this spectrum, and each technology has its own characteristics. For example, VR technology brings users into a completely unreal world, so users can fully immerse themselves in it. In AR technology, users can see virtual objects in the real world and interact with them. In addition, there are also technologies such as MR technology and XR technology, all of which belong to the category of the real-virtual spectrum.

This wide range of technological categories can easily confuse people. However, by categorizing these technologies into a spectrum, it not only makes it easier for people to understand the differences between them but also makes people more familiar with and friendly towards these emerging technologies.

Future Development of XR

XR is a collection of VR, AR, MR, and other technologies. Its potential for future development is enormous. Although XR does not have a strict definition, any application of VR, AR, or MR can be considered part of XR. With the continuous improvement of 5G networks and mobile device performance, the application of XR technology will become more extensive and become a new hotspot in the technology field.

In the future, XR will be widely used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Gaming: XR technology will bring a more immersive experience to games, enhancing the interactivity and entertainment of games.

  • Education: XR technology will make learning more vivid and interesting, increasing student participation and learning effectiveness.

  • Healthcare: XR technology is expected to help doctors better diagnose and treat patients and improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare.

  • Industry: XR technology will be widely used in design, production, and maintenance processes, improving work efficiency and quality.

In short, XR technology will lead us into a new era. As a leader in the XR technology field, Speed 3D Inc. has launched the most advanced AI-driven XR machines and AR try-on modules, bringing revolutionary changes to the industry and consumers. With the rapid development of technology, XR technology is gradually changing our lifestyles and work styles. Speed 3D Inc. was awarded the Asia XR Golden Awards for Best Interactive Marketing Solution 2023 for 3D Picbot.

From the virtual gaming world to the combination of reality and virtuality, XR has opened a new door for us to experience unprecedented interactive experiences. If you are curious about XR technology or want to learn how to apply these technologies to your business, please do not hesitate to contact Speed 3D Inc. to explore the unlimited possibilities of XR.

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